Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Inspirational Fitness

I started P90X today. =)
I never had New Years Resolutions to workout but I figured it was about time to take care of myself.
MAN am I exhausted and sore!

I was actually inspired by another girl doing P90X 2 on my floor. I saw her working out and remembered that distant time when I had energy and felt good about myself.
Just for the record, I TOTALLY feel good about myself right now. I'll suffer later. =D
After I got done working out two girls in my suite decided to hit the school gym.
Working out is a chain reaction.
Its a good thing, people. 

I was tentative about blogging my experience with P90X...or actually just working out.
I figured if I never told anyone and skipped a day no one would know if I was failing. And if I did, everyone would know I failed. lol. oh well. It's out now.

I'm tired and I have my morning theory class tomorrow.

Good Night!
Work Out!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Late January Update

I have been really busy with the spring semester! New classes, new roommate, and a new year!
This semester I am taking a heavier credit load so I have quite a lot more homework to do (although the reading amount is about the same...less even).
Between homework, work, classes, and church I'm trying to edit all of my videos. They're all going to be latee!! I'm doing the best I can and I'm really working on my time management. Not much free time to work with, but I'll get to it. I promise!!
...and I won't forget about this blog!!
I am trying a few new products and they're working quite well (except for the Garnier Fructise Frizz Serum...which didn't do anything at allllllll...so I returned it). I'm editing my video on that and hopefully I'll blog about it more when I can get it up.

ta ta for now <33